As many will learn about me, I love coffee. I also love those quaint little coffee shops with the comfy chairs and jazz music playing. Perfect for getting some quality work done, or relaxing to clear your mind.

Obviously, I’m no expert in opening coffee shops, so I did the next best thing and created a brand for a future coffee shop. Coffee Break — the place you visit when you want a break from the world, and to indulge in good coffee. Below is the entire brand, as well as some coffee bag designs!

Coffee Break


The mood-boarding process for this was more-so looking at photos rather than past logo designs from others. I had the idea of the logo in mind already, so the rest was just getting down an overall feel for the brand / logo.

Logo Sketches

Being that I wanted this logo to be hand-drawn, and I did not have a tablet, my process was to brain dump various logo concepts and names for the company, then digitally transfer the sketches to the computer.

Refined Sketch

This is the design I ultimately carried into Illustrator to continue the logo digitally. As mentioned, the lack of a design tablet meant finding a workaround. Once I had the refined idea ready, I neatly re-drew everything how I wanted it, and ended up image tracing the logo (for those of you design nerds out there.) For the less experienced, image tracing is essentially just tracing what I have on paper over to a digital environment.

Final Logo

Hand-drawn, rustic, but elegant at the same time. The logo variations were designed for the various layouts needed for a coffee shop, from cups and packaging, to outdoor signs and business cards.


The packaging portion to this project came at a later date during my days in college. We were asked to pick a branding project of our choice from the past, in which we had to take that brand, and create packaging for it. Overall, the packaging goal was to be inviting, clean, and professional looking.